Comparing Ourselves to the Forefathers

National Monument to the Forefathers, Pilgrim National State Park

There’s a change in the air, as if light is slowly seeping through the fog. Americans are seeing we’ve been sick – and not just physically. Our inner selves – our souls – have been mistreated, ostracized, mocked, known despair. To make matters worse, we were duped, strolled the primrose path with eyes shut open. In aviation, threats of viral contagions being shared among travelers led to the most bizarre measures that, if put in a novel, would have been a best-seller. We lost sight of what worked in a desperate search for the ever-evasive feeling of security. Except there’s no such thing as security.

In Pilgrim National State Park, in Plymouth, Massachusetts, there’s a Monument called the National Monument to the Forefathers. It stands 81-feet tall and is made from solid granite. The Monument honors the Pilgrims who escaped religious persecution; it represents the foundation of our free society in the five main engravings populating its apex and base. The Monument’s unwritten warning: Ignore the principles of free society at The Peoples’ peril.

At the top-center of the Monument is a statue for Faith. All societies are based in a common faith, one that represents the people’s unity. Faith’s right index finger isn’t pointing to Washington, DC, or any other direction of the compass; she is gesturing straight up … to Heaven. It’s truth: Only through faith could America have been born. And in the 21st century, faith is also the only way to save America – not through trust in government, reliance on man – but faith in God.

We, as Americans, remain in CØVID hysteria’s shadow. We were driven to lose faith in God and in each other. Many chose to replace common sense with trust in politicians, to follow their misdirection, to serve their agendas, and be enslaved by their empty promises. Where are we now?

How many of us stood in the flight check-in lines and were told to maintain our distance, keeping six feet away from those around us? Masks were a must, the porous pieces of bacteria-saturated cloth that had the filtering integrity of wire mesh. Those desperate few who never questioned the Center of Disease Control (CDC) and its edicts even donned face shields; were lone drivers or motorcyclists wearing a mask.

Once one passed from the terminal into the aircraft, the masks became even more impractical as passengers sat elbow-to-elbow with their neighbors, all of whom could’ve been contaminated, infected with CØVID. The CDC felt minimum distances required in the spacious terminals should be waived in a long narrow tube with limited ventilation.

Meanwhile, emotional support animals, capable of spreading the CØVID virus as efficiently, continued to be allowed into the smallest of social spaces, contaminating passengers and flight crews across the country. According to a 2022 article by, “Studies have demonstrated that several species are susceptible to SARS-CoV-2 infection, particularly dogs and cats residing close to humans.” Think about it, passengers, flight attendants, and pilots were forced to wear the most ridiculous CØVID countermeasures, but pets roamed freely, contaminating everyone on an airplane, instead of being denied boarding during the pandemic completely. Idiocy struck again.

Faith. Was it shaken or did we really choose blindness to the futility of masks and face shields? Did we believe the Faucis or the CDC as they regularly contradicted what they said the day before? How did distancing ourselves from one another, dismissing our Constitutional God-given rights, truly impact our nation? How has the last three years of chaos affected the safety of the aviation industry?

Around the Forefathers Monument’s base are four figures seated at each corner, underneath the feet of Faith: Biblical Morality, Biblical Law, Biblical Education, and Biblical Liberty. These are the four pillars that created our society, without which we plunge into corruption, chaos, ignorance, and bondage.

The Monument’s first figure, Morality is portrayed with her eyes closed, as she looks inward examining her conscience. She teaches us that when our principles are compromised and empathy to one another is lost, society erodes from within. Brotherhood is replaced with selfishness. Commitments to solitude, to pushing others away, has led to higher suicide rates among all age groups. False promises of reduced home lockdowns, aka ‘prison sentences,’ if the CØVID vaccine was taken, became empty promises that led to more isolation.

Mandates led to restricted travel. In a nation where morality prevails, the rulers themselves must be ethical. However, our political leaders continued to divide society, not just physically, but by excluding those who refused the vaccine for all reasons, be it for physical objection or for religious exemption. Government became corrupt on a higher level. The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) forced hundreds of qualified inspectors to depart for objecting to a vaccine that proved harmful, if not fatal. In a March 2023 article titled: Pfizer Identified ‘Most Likely’ Mechanism for Heart Inflammation After COVID-19 Vaccination, facts came out, yet citizens still deny the truth, whether they’re afraid to admit they’ve been duped, or they just want to hold on to the myth.

Amid the manufactured crisis, the FAA found itself hundreds of inspectors short when the mandate restrictions ended. FAA management, realizing their manpower deficit, hijacked terms like ‘diversity’ and ‘inclusion’ to make the case to hire, but not for safety’s sake. Lower the bar and employ the unqualified in large numbers. FAA management could hire those with little to no experience because … Diversity. The airlines did the same, not just with pilots, but also mechanics lacking the experience of the mechanics and pilots that departed the asylum many airlines became.

The Monument’s second figure, Law is portrayed as a noble figure, his right hand held out as if in blessing, fair and unyielding. American laws are/were founded on the Ten Commandments … again, there’s that connection to God. Laws must never be left to the corrupting deceits of man. And yet …

To sell a narrative the manufactured CØVID vaccine was safe, government pushed, not just civil servants be vaccinated, but all citizens – even children. But insurance companies found higher than normal death rates following the forced vaccinations. Some pilots in flight suffered severe cardiac episodes that defied their regular medical examination findings. The FAA quietly lowered the electrocardiogram allowances based on an obscure Finnish study. Wasn’t there an American study? An investment firm’s former fund manager spoke of CØVID vaccine dangers based on insurance numbers. Yet after three years, the chaos continues, despite the news being bad for CØVID vaccine recipients.

We learned what happens when politicians ignore The People’s will, writing laws contrary to the Ten Commandments. Politicians think The People are their people, to do with what they wish. Disrespect and disregard for one’s neighbor resulted in the breakdown of community. Police defunding and military reductions encouraged unrestricted selfishness; law was no longer respected. When authority is denigrated, anarchy prevails, disorder breaks down any semblance of stability and the poor suffer most. Could America long survive in law’s absence? If Americans continue to allow unchecked government corruption, can The People ever stop the political slide into lawlessness?

The Monument’s third figure, Education wears a wreath of victory for success in the bonding of the nuclear family. This statue doesn’t guarantee a free education or any education at all, but tasks parents with the educating of their children, to further the children’s knowledge. The nuclear family assures the success of children learning.

These days, the nuclear family is almost non-existent. Welfare thrives under the state-sponsored single-parent family home environment. Education has been further crippled by the CØVID shutdown in that American children are now, not only behind in test scores, but years behind their grade level … period. One positive aspect of the CØVID shutdowns was the parents who cared finally saw – firsthand – what their children were learning in school. While listening into daily class time, parents discovered their children were slowly becoming illiterate; woke ideology infiltrated all grades. How will this affect the aviation industry’s future when children can’t read or write at grade level? Can’t socialize? Where college and university students indoctrinated in progressive beliefs begin to enter the workforce? This mindset is corrupting aviation schools, even aviation trade schools, the last bastion of common sense.

A rise in runway incursions demonstrates how unprepared new-hire pilots are to flying commercial airliners. The pilot mistakes are what we see, but what about the mechanics or air traffic controllers who haven’t received the proper training, don’t have the required experience in their specialty? How does the industry correct for the scarcity of knowledge?

How about the FAA’s mass exodus last year? Large numbers of experienced FAA inspectors departed for good. Can the FAA compensate for crippling losses to experience and knowledge? Is the FAA using diversity standards to hire, assuring equality numbers are up despite low experienced people applying? If so, how long before we see the destructive effects of adopting such policies as diversity? Will hiring pilots, mechanics, and air traffic controllers for their experience and talent be a memory?

Ignorance is not an end to the injustice. The other side of Education is what not to teach, namely subjects that harm a child, that sow doubt in oneself; exposing children to immoralities at an age that confuses them; induces blame where blame doesn’t exist. Children need protecting from subjects they don’t have the maturity to comprehend, yet they’re exposed, nonetheless.

The Monument’s fourth figure, Liberty is portrayed as a soldier, a sign of strength, ready to take the fight for Liberty to the field of battle to secure it, not just for himself, but for all. Only eternal vigilance guarantees liberty goes on. It’s been paid for with precious blood and treasure. Government can’t give us our rights or our liberty – only God can.

The last few years with mandated vaccinations, school shutdowns, and the overreach of government and media, many of our liberties were threatened. Disagree with a mandate? You’re given a title of non-conformist, a danger to society; you’re fired from your job, or your business is shut down. Even though children were never in the CØVID age group, their educations were hobbled, leaving today’s children years behind in their development.

Misguided people will surrender their liberty for the price of security, the cost of being cared for. But security is bondage; being cared for from cradle-to-grave surrenders our fundamental rights to our own futures. Government cannot provide security or guarantee lifelong care. Liberty cannot exist without the Morality, Law, and Education of our Faith. Not through mankind can Liberty be restored. We must understand the true power of liberty and who bestows it on us.

America needs to redirect its efforts to benefit the people, not a chosen few. The founding fathers gave us two roadmaps back to success: The Monument to the Forefathers and the Constitution; both clear messages on how to restore balance in this nation.

The aviation industry is in danger of collapsing under the weight of failing policies wrapped in seductive social justice. On the surface, who doesn’t want equality or diversity? Who would deny anyone fairness? But Safety is being compromised on a grand scale, leaving the indoctrinated to believe they’re owed a career they haven’t earned. Meanwhile mechanics, air traffic controllers and pilots are receiving the minimum training to do their jobs, no matter what gender or race they hail from.

Experience and knowledge on both the industry and regulatory sides must return to the high standards.  The National Monument to our Forefathers is a record of what needs to be done. The Monument isn’t the answer to our problems, it only points to the Solution.




The General Welfare